A 2011 Bloomberg report ranked the divorce laws of each state. The report used criteria such as time required to complete the divorce, court costs, and rules on alimony and child support. Out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Texas ranked 36th in its ease of divorce. Two New England states ranked […]

Thousands of students have been forced to pay higher tuition at state universities due to their immigration status, despite spending their entire academic careers in American public schools. Many of these students have attained stellar grades, had outstanding conduct reviews, and received numerous recommendations from teachers and school administrators. Despite their high school successes, their […]

Former professional wrestler Phil Brooks alleged that a staff physician for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) committed medical malpractice by misdiagnosing a potentially deadly staph infection. Mr. Brooks, who went by the ring name “CM Punk”, stated that Dr. Chris Amann diagnosed a staph infection on his lower back as a “fatty deposit.” Dr. Amann responded […]

Divorce can often feel like a lonely and isolating process. After all, you’re agreeing to part ways with the person to whom you’ve promised to spend the rest of your life. You may have bought a home together, created businesses together, and raised children together. When a marriage ends, you can feel like you’re all […]

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A proposed bill that would place medical malpractice award caps on lawsuits involving nursing homes passed the West Virginia House of Delegates last week. The bill must pass the state Senate and be signed by the Governor before it becomes law. Supporters of the bill maintain that medical malpractice award caps will keep doctors and […]

A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked the enforcement of President Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration. U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen, an appointee by then-President George W. Bush, ruled that the Obama immigration orders should be suspended as the case moves forward through the court system. However, Judge Hanen’s ruling does not […]

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Divorce is typically neither an easy nor a pleasant process. However, common misconceptions about Texas divorce law can make the process even more difficult. Spouses should get an education about the basics of Texas divorce law from an experienced family law attorney. Couples that rely on assumptions, hearsay or popular knowledge may find themselves confronting […]

The recent legislative sessions have spurred debates on medical malpractice law reform in state houses across the nation. A medical malpractice law reform bill proposed in the Georgia Legislature would create a new government agency that would replace the court system in handling medical malpractice disputes. Democratic senators in Kentucky have accused their Republican counterparts […]

Last week, we discussed how divorce affects Social Security benefits. Couples over 50 years of age who considering divorce must also think about how splitting up will alter their plans for retirement. A study conducted at Bowling Green State University found that 14 percent of divorced men, and nearly one-third of all divorced women, at […]

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Actress Diane Guerrero, star of “Jane the Virgin” and “Orange Is the New Black”, was separated from her parents and brother after their immigration arrests when she was 14. She told her story to National Public Radio and related how she learned that her family had been rounded up in an immigration arrest and were […]

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