A South Dakota circuit court judge ruled that hospitals could be targeted for medical malpractice liability lawsuits if they employ doctors who have acted in bad faith. Judge Bruce Anderson also ruled that hospital committee members who grant privileges to doctors can also be sued under the state’s medical malpractice liability laws. The ruling allows […]

A Texas sheriff is the target of an immigration lawsuit claiming that she detained undocumented immigrants and denied them due process under the law. The immigration lawsuit claims that Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez held at least 16 immigrants for more than 48 hours after their bonds had been set. In some cases, according to […]

No one enjoys facing the possibility of a divorce. The thought of ending a relationship you believed would last a lifetime is never a pleasant prospect. However, as you end this phase of your life, you must prepare for the next chapter. Many professionals offer services for those facing an upcoming divorce. These professionals can […]

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A recent article in Forbes Magazine speculated that the advent of self-driving cars would cause the auto insurance industry either to change its structure or render it obsolete. According to researchers at McKinsey & Company, the widespread use of autonomous vehicles would eliminate up to 90 percent of all fatal traffic accidents by 2050. This […]

The Missouri State Supreme Court heard arguments this week to overturn the state’s laws on medical malpractice lawsuit award limits. The case involves a family who had been awarded nearly $11 million in damages, including $9 million in non-economic damages, in a 2013 wrongful death suit against a St. Louis hospital. A few months later, […]

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Many policy holders believe that their “comprehensive” homeowners insurance coverage provides protection for every possible disaster. While the standard homeowners insurance coverage does protect against problems such as fire, storm damage, and theft, even the best policies do not cover every foreseeable issue a homeowner could encounter. Natural disasters, exterior structures, and even insect attacks […]

In response to an immigration lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of 26 states, President Barack Obama claimed that he would win and that his controversial executive orders on undocumented immigrants would stand. Earlier this week, he told the New York Times that, “The law is on our side.” The immigration lawsuit has been contested […]

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A Buffalo, New York, resident filed a medical malpractice lawsuit after her husband was wrongfully declared dead. Tammy Cleveland claims in her medical malpractice lawsuit that her husband, Michael, suffered a heart attack in October 2014. The emergency room physician pronounced Mr. Cleveland dead minutes after his arrival. Mrs. Cleveland maintains that he was still […]

Swedish automaker Volvo recently released a statement saying that the company would accept the burden of auto accident liability when one of its self-driving cars is involved in a collision. Håkan Samuelsson, Volvo’s president and CEO, made the statement last week in Washington, D.C., during a presentation on autonomous vehicles. German auto manufacturer Mercedes-Benz and […]

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A report from the Insurance Information Institute showed that only 14 percent of American homeowners also have flood insurance policies. The low number may be attributed to the misconception that flood insurance is included in the standard homeowners insurance policies. This misunderstanding can lead to devastating consequences when floods occur. Homeowners in South Carolina, a […]

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