Auto Damage

Although there are several different types of auto insurance to protect you in a variety of situations, one must think about obtaining a form of automotive storm damage insurance. Of course, this sort of insurance is more commonly referred to as comprehensive auto insurance. This form of auto insurance will help to pay for losses or damages to an individual’s vehicle that was not caused by a collision of any sort.

Living in Texas, and surrounding states, we are vulnerable to an array of different types of storms. Thus, our insurance will not protect us against these storms unless we have specific coverage’s.  In this situation, it would be a great idea to have comprehensive coverage to protect you against any sort of disaster other than that of an auto accident.

Recently, it is becoming rather common for insurance agencies to neglect paying for damages that were listed in the coverage’s that you, as an insurance policy holder, are paying for. At the Arguello Law Firm we have several years of experience and are known for our ability to establish the existing terms and conditions of insurance policies, thus securing a defense litigation coverage and launching investigations for policyholders form the insurance agencies.

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Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage

Here in Texas, there are several different types of natural disasters that can cause auto damage.  We are vulnerable to everything including tornados, hurricanes, floods, drought, thunderstorms, winter storms, fire, wind, and hail. Therefore, it is imperative that we possess some form of insurance to protect our vehicles from such disasters.

Comprehensive coverage protects individuals from automotive storm damage. This insurance will protect you in the event where any damages not caused by an accident occur.  As one can imagine, there is a long list of items covered with this form of insurance.

A few coverage’s include:

  • Storms and natural disasters
  • Theft and vandalism
  • Broken windows
  • Falling objects
  • Damages caused by animals

It is always a good idea to expect the unexpected while choosing your auto insurance. Knowing this, there are a range of deductibles you will want to consider.  Keep in mind that the higher deductible will lower the overall premium. Of course, we will need to ask ourselves how much we will pay out of pocket, and then adjust our deductible to fit the risk of events that could potentially affect us.

However, since damages to a vehicle are the highest form of insurance claim, comprehensive coverage’s have become a key portion to premiums. By speaking with your insurance agent you will be able to dictate how much your premium costs by finding your comfort level to pay for out of pocket expenses.  Once you have discovered what best suits your needs, you will be covered in the event that something happens to your vehicle.

For more information, complete the “Free Case Evaluation” form on this page – It’s FREE.

Common Insurance Policy Key Terms

There are several key terms used when purchasing insurance policies that should be known in order to select the best policy to fulfill your every need.  These key terms will be used by every insurance agent and whenever an individual is seeking any form of insurance.

These key terms include:

  • Deductibles – A deductible is the amount of expenses covered that are paid out of pocked by the insured prior to the insurer making payments.  These deductibles can range from small amounts to thousands of dollars.
  • Limits – A limit is simply a cap on the amount of money an insurance agency will pay in order to repair the covered damages.  In many cases, an insurance policy may be made up of various coverage’s, while each coverage has different limits.  Thus, specific losses may have separate limits.
  • Exclusions – Exclusions are damages that are not covered in insurance policies. Many times, automotive storm damages will not be covered in typical insurance policies, thus the insurance company will not pay for any damages to your vehicle caused by storms.

These are the three most commonly used terms by insurance agencies, so it is important to know the differences between them and their different forms.  If you have purchased a policy with a specific deductible or limit and the coverage was not excluded, and you have not been compensated properly for your losses, you may be entitled to receive full compensation.

To discover more, complete the “Free Case Evaluation” form on this page – It’s FREE.

Contact An Experienced Automotive Storm Damage Attorney

If you have been a victim of automotive storm damages, and your insurance company is not providing you with the agreed upon compensation for your losses, our auto insurance claim attorneys at the Arguello Law Firm are here to help.  We have several years of experience and have dedicated our lives to getting things done for clients in an efficient manner, and on occasion, using non-traditional ways.  We live by the philosophy that everything worth doing, is worth doing right.

With our main headquarter in Houston; we are licensed to serve the entire state of Texas and beyond.

Some locations we serve include:

  • Birmingham, AL
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Joplin, MO
  • Oklahoma City, OK

To discover more about how our attorneys can help you in your time of need, or to schedule a free no-obligation consultation, we invite you to contact us today at 281-402-3534 and a member of our team will take the details of your case and connect you with one of our experienced insurance claim attorneys.

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