I still remember the day I walked in on my mother crying.  I was only seven years old and we had just ended the year with less than $70 in our bank account. My parents did everything they could to make ends meet and to provide for their children.  My father immigrated to the United […]

All things considered, my family has not lived in the United States very long. My great grandfather immigrated to this country through New York around the turn of the century.  He came from Pau, France, which is the northern edge of the Pyrenees, near Spain and the Atlantic.  He was a young peasant working on […]

  Congratulations to team David!  David Christoffel and his paralegal, Blanca Garcia, for being our top-performing team for the first quarter of 2014. David and Blanca have been handling a variety of cases, but the vast majority of their work has been in litigating first party insurance property damage cases—specifically bad faith cases for hail damage […]

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This Memorial Day will represent my parents’ 35th wedding anniversary. However, more importantly, it will also represent their thirty-fifth anniversary of living in this country, and in Houston, Texas. Leaving both of their families behind, and the only country that they had ever called home, my parents left India and came to Houston in 1979. […]

My family has been in America for quite a long time.  I have heard that my mother’s family descends from Isaac Stearns, who came to America in 1630 and then served as secretary to Governor John Winthrop, the first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  My mother’s family eventually came to live in Aurora, Illinois, […]

Ms. Nishi Kothari recently joined our team, and she has been kicking butt and taking names!  I recently attended a mediation with Nishi where she got an astoundingly good settlement for the kind of case we had.  Due to confidentiality issues, we can only speak about some settlements in general terms.  But the mediation of […]

MtGox, Bitcoin’s once largest exchange falls silent amid rumors of poor accounting and widespread theft. Around 8 PM CST 2/24/14, MtGox’s website went dark. This comes almost 2 weeks after halting Bitcoin withdrawals from the exchange, all the while assuring account holders that the problems prompting the halt were being worked on and near resolution. […]

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Bitcoin is the latest buzzword as it continues to get mainstream exposure. News outlets all over are picking up stories about businesses embracing the latest crypto currency trend. Overstock.com has gone live accepting Bitcoins on their website breaking $126,000 in sales on their first day. The latest to enter the world of Bitcoins, the Sacramento […]

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Houston Attorney starts accepting Bitcoins. Arguello Law Firm has decided to start accepting payment for our fee-based services via Bitcoin. We are the second practice in Houston and one of only a handful of firms that has started to accept Bitcoins in the state of Texas. Bitcoin has the potential to shake up the financial industry […]

When our clients are in need of legal assistance for any reason, they call Arguello Law Firm, P.L.L.C. The question is: who are the people who eagerly, politely, and professionally answer the phones? The answer is the AHA Client Communication Center or CCC for short. The CCC is Step One in any process of contact, […]

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