Texas Divorce Seminar Helps Women In Transition

by Martin Arguello

A recent seminar at the Houstonian Hotel examined how women in the midst of a Texas divorce can cope with transitioning out of their marriages. Nearly two dozen women attended the six-hour Guide to Good Divorce seminar. The attendees, ranging in age from their thirties to their seventies, were all either in the process of finalizing their Texas divorce proceedings or considering filing for legal separation. The seminar informed them of the legal, financial and emotional impacts that they would endure in the process.

Texas Divorce and Alimony

A major hurdle that women encounter in a Texas divorce case lies in the state’s laws on spousal support payments. The qualifications for receiving spousal support payments, also known as alimony, are both specific and restrictive. In cases without a history of family violence, the couple must have been married for at least ten years. These payments are also restricted under Texas divorce law to covering the spouse’s basic needs, and only if the spouse cannot earn a sufficient income to cover those needs.

Financial Preparation for Texas Divorce

The financial aspects of Texas divorce are some of the most troubling for women facing the end of their marriages. Patricia Barrett, a financial advisor who kicked off the seminar, told the audience, “Texas isn’t very good to women when it comes to things like alimony.” She advised women who were thinking about a Texas divorce, regardless of their income levels, to consider their financial situation, both before and after their divorces were finalized.

Emotional Impact of Texas Divorce

Another speaker at the Texas divorce seminar addressed the emotional impact the process can have on women. Melissa Nickelson, a life coach and counselor, told the audience they needed to realize that their Texas divorces should not cause them to feel like a failure. She recommended that the women write journals about their feelings as they go through the process. She also spoke about “taking back your emotional energy” and “empower(ing) yourself” through the hard times.

Participants Comment on Texas Divorce Seminar

Many of the participants reflected on how the Texas divorce seminar helped them cope with their situations. One woman had been married to her husband, a powerful corporate executive, for over 30 years. Despite his rampant infidelities, she said that she hesitated to file for a Texas divorce due to the potential for a lack of financial stability. A different participant said that the seminar helped her understand “how to manage money” and “how to make your finances work for you” after a divorce.

Source: Houstonia Magazine

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