Birmingham Personal Injury Attorney

Despite personal injuries costing more than $400 BILLION dollars annually in medical costs and lost productivity here in the United States, the resulting psychological damages and ongoing treatment requirements are some of the most significant obstacles that individuals face after their injury has occurred.

In many cases, the families and dependents of injury victims also become victims themselves as they often lose their primary source of income while the injured person is recovering.

If you or someone you love has been suffered a serious personal injury that has been caused by the negligence of another person or due to a defective product, you may be eligible to obtain compensation for costs associated with the care of those injuries, which can include: medical and outpatient treatment costs, lost wages, pain and suffering and other related expenses.

To find out how we can help, simply fill out the “Free Case Evaluation” form located to the left.

Types of Injuries

Defined as an injury to the mind, body or emotions of an individual, there are many different types of personal injuries that an individual can suffer.

Some of the most common include:

  • Concussions
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Facial damage
  • Dental injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Internal bleeding
  • Nerve damage
  • Lacerations

…. Just to name a few.

As with any serious injury, it’s very important for the injured to seek competent medical advice from a licensed medical practitioner.

Frequent Cause of Personal Injuries

Due to the wide variety of activities that many people enjoy, there are many sources that can create or cause a personal injury.

Some of these include (but are not limited to):

…. Amongst many others.

It’s important to note that many personal injuries are caused due to the neglect of an individual or the malfunction of a device, product or part. In light of this, those parties may be held responsible for their actions.

What Costs Are Involved?

The entire team at the Arguello Law Firm strongly believe that everyone should have access to comprehensive legal counsel.

With this in mind, we proudly offer Alabama injury victims a 100% FREE initial case review that allows our potential clients the opportunity to send our attorneys the details of their case, which we will them review and help to determine if there are grounds to file a lawsuit.

If so, we will also advise on the best way to move forward with proceedings.

Should an injury victim decide to choose our services, we also work on a contingency basis – what this means is that we only charge for our fees and services if we obtain a successful verdict or settlement for your case.

Have Questions? Contact Our Birmingham Personal Injury Attorney Today

Becoming the victim of a serious personal injury can create physical and financial obstacles that can be crushing for the individual and their families.

At our firm, we genuinely understand the challenges that injury victims face and can help to fight for the justice that you deserve.

With our office located in Birmingham AL, we provide accessible legal counsel to injury victims throughout Alabama including:

  • Birmingham
  • Fairfield
  • Adamsville
  • Gardendale
  • Trussville
  • Leeds
  • Meadowbrook
  • Alabaster

…. And most of the surrounding towns and suburbs close to these areas.

To learn more about how we can help with your personal injury litigation, contact our team of Birmingham attorneys today at 1-888-CLAIM-68 (1-888-252-4668). Your call will be answered by a member of our intake team, who will quickly connect you to one of our lawyers that is best suited to handling your specific case.

If you would prefer to start immediately, simply fill out and send the “Free Case Evaluation” form located at the top of this page. It’s strictly secure and 100% FREE to send.

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