Judge Blocks Arizona Immigration Law

by Martin Arguello

A federal judge blocked an Arizona immigration law that allowed illegal immigrants to be prosecuted for identity theft. U.S. District Judge David G. Campbell ruled that the state must immediately stop prosecuting undocumented workers for identity theft as part of the state’s strict Arizona immigration law campaigns. Judge Campbell stated that an illegal immigrant does not violate the laws against identity theft by the simple action of applying for work.

Identity Theft Clause Stretches Arizona Immigration Law

In 2007 and 2008, state legislators voted to extend the Arizona immigration law to include charging illegal immigrants with identity theft when they complete a job application. Judge Campbell also ruled that the Arizona immigration law conflicts with federal immigration statutes. The federal identity theft law prohibits the use of false identity documents, but the law defines a difference between identity theft for profit and applying for a job.

“America’s Toughest Sheriff” Pursues Arizona Immigration Law

The defendants in the suit included Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known in some media circles as “America’s Toughest Sheriff.” Sheriff Arpaio has gained a reputation for his unconventional techniques and his strong stance on Arizona immigration law. An example of the combination of these two factors occurred numerous times since the new Arizona immigration law passed in 2008. Since then, Sheriff Arpaio had conducted 80 raids on businesses employing illegal immigrants, charging more than 800 of the workers at those businesses with felony identity theft.

Plaintiff: Sheriff Used Arizona Immigration Law to “Terrorize” Immigrants

A group of immigration advocates filed the initial lawsuit to get the Arizona immigration law overturned. Jessica Carp, an attorney for some of the plaintiffs, stated that Sheriff Arpaio used the extension of the Arizona immigration law to “terrorize immigrant communities.” She also claimed that, while sheriffs in other Arizona counties enforced the identity theft laws, Sheriff Arpaio was the only one in the state conducting raids on businesses.

County Attorney: Ruling on Arizona Immigration Law “Deprives Protection”

On the other side of the Arizona immigration law case, Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery maintains that his office will appeal the ruling. He told reporters that the plaintiffs and the judge were more concerned with “people (who were) admittedly violating the law” than the state’s law-abiding citizens. He also said that the ruling on the Arizona immigration law would leave “victims of identity theft…deprived of the state of Arizona’s protection.”

Source: Los Angeles Times

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